Thursday, January 22, 2009

God's Creation

Today we heard a new little heart beat. Today, for the first time, we saw God’s creation in our second child. It was so amazing to see this tiny baby that is currently only 2.7cm or barely over an inch. God is an amazing Creator. We feel incredibly gracious to be pregnant.

I am currently about 10 weeks along and we are expecting the little one around August 18th. We actually found out we were pregnant on Christmas morning. It was so special to have an extra gift and we were even able to tell our families when they called that day. We had previously decided we would come home to the US to deliver in order to be with family and for a planned c-section. (Nathan was a c-section and it was decided by us and our OB then that future c-sections would be a good choice.) So we are planning a trip home. Nathan and I will travel to Houston in early June and Paul in early August. We are already dreading the time apart, but know it will be best for Nathan and me to come home in plenty of time. We hope to travel to Dallas in June, but other than that I will have to stay put.

Nathan is very excited about having a brother or sister. He loves other children or babies of any age and we know he will be a great big brother. He has been doing handstands where he makes a little triangle by standing on his feet and hands and then looks under through his legs. Etagainu said that in Ethiopia that means they are looking for a little brother or sister to come along.

We feel so blessed to be able to pray and nurture this little life. Although God is the one who is sustaining it’s life and creating it in His image.

I should tell you this is still not our permanent blog. We are unable to post to blogspot with where we live, please visit us at for the latest stories in Ethiopia.

Love to All!
Paul, Becca, Nathan and very tiny Baby